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"Social March"?
автор гость, дата 2007-06-19 18:38, оригинал, textile

As a report opposing THE MEDIA, an organising committee for the preparation of a “social march” against the liquidation of social rights and guarantees has been created. The date of the march was chosen as 30 September 2007.

It is assumed that the march will pass exactly on the eve of opening of the autumnal session of the House of Representatives. Members of the organization committee include representatives of a number of the opposition parties, the organising committee of the public association of chernobyl’tsev “destructor” «Ликвидатор», and also number of politicians and public workers. For example, in the cochairmen of organization committee counts Aleksandr Sosnov, Front-Bencher of Labor in the government of Mikhail Chigir (1994-1996), and then President of the neoliberal foundation, the Open Society, the substitute of the director of the Independent institute of social and economic and political studies (NISEPI) and so forth and the like figure not untwisted and not offensive, but key for those, who want to understand, what “alternative” for antisocial policy Lukashenko in actuality is being prepared by the lords of oppositional thoughts.

Thus, in his time A. Sosnov absolutely supported Russian monetarisation of privileges, he was the booster of “market” tariffs on the dwelling and on the public transport for all, by the supporter of the “address social aid” and of the zayavitel’nogo principle of its rendering (“comes that being requiring, it writes statement, officials is checked the material position of applicant and, if it is necessary, they allot to it single benefit”). And this is only one of the representatives of the so-called. the “social opposition”, under project of which are thrown in on the visibility nekhilye means.

The entire oppositional arguments here depends on one incantation: the direction of reforms selected by government is correct (indeed the principle of “address aid” is developed by the World Bank), but they are carried out allegedly not entirely in accordance with the market canons. In the essence, attempting to use public dissatisfaction with the policy of the liquidation of privileges, those suddenly “social-oriented” liberals propose to change the tool for making the soap.

How in this situation should leftists and anarchists act? What must be the form and the content of our participation in the protests against the liquidation of social rights? Indeed in no case it is not possible to give to neoliberalam (OGP, etc. to rogues) “to pomatrosit’ and to throw” social protests. As to me it is thought, is sense to concentrate the efforts of anarchism not so much on the stimulation of dissatisfaction, as on the “address”; -) popularization among the workers, the students, the users ZHKKH and the public transport OF THE INTELLIGIBLE and laconically formulated radical alternatives to present system and neoliberal “reforms”. And made this must be even prior to the beginning of the “social” actions of opposition. And then during and after them.

In my view, popularization of alternatives it would be, from the tactical considerations of convenience in the agitation, to divide into several key protest themes:
  • 1. alternative to the contract system of working relations;
  • 2. alternative of the liquidation of privilege fares in the public transport (in particular, for the students);
  • 3. alternative to an increase in the tariffs on the services ZHKKH (including of inaccessibility of dwelling as such);
  • 4. alternative to state policy in the field of power engineering (including the plans of building AES);
  • 5. alternative of the commercialization of formation;
  • 6. alternative of the liquidation of Chernobyl’ privileges;

It is very important to manufacture on this score at least the minimum consensus, which would give to us the clear vision of the tasks of anarchist motion. Here and now. But therefore any design criticism of that stated above would be urgently welcomed.
