8.06.2008 Actions in memory of Marie Vesco were held in Moscow and Bryansk.
Agree with me, it is not the best time My friend taken for his requiem...Venya Drkin
... 6th June 2008 Frenchwoman Marie Vesco (lived in London), activist of the Critical Mass and Food Not Bombs died in her way to the Carnival Against the Arms Trade. It was pacifist mass-meeting, but there were many people from the Critical Mass. She was carrying food for activists distribution. Two cars drived directly into a cyclist group. Marie died instantly and her friends could do nothing to save her. Marie was just a few days away from her 20th birthday.
original link: http://www.schnews.org.uk/archive/news63412.htm
russian source: http://ru.indymedia.org/newswire/display/20603/index.php
Leaflets distributed in Russia: http://www.hippy.ru/print/vesko.doc
Info about actions:
In action participated 7 people. Were cooking buckwheat porridge with vegetables and soy meat. Fed about 15 comers. All who wished second portion, got it. During the distribution were spreaded about 100 leaflets devoted to Marie. Write us diy032@gmail.com
Photo from action in Bryansk: http://i030.radikal.ru/0806/95/fc8d3ee5b174.jpg
Moscow Today moscow fnb went to city centre to large indian festival where wrote "Marie Vesco" with a piece of chalk on asphalt and were distributing leaflets. Many people, mainly older ones, after receiving leaflet were praying. People of so many nationalities and religion. Some of them were asking abbout the Food Not Bombs and Critical Mass. Totally 150 leaflets were distributed.
Photo from action in Moscow: http://www.hippy.ru/gal/mv/t_050.jpg
Also at this time was held FNB on traditional give-away place. 10 activists fed 70 homeless people with buckwheat with vegetables, bread and tea. Leaflets were spreaded too.
Contacts with Moscow groups: lubava@hippy.ru, kapusto-crew@riseup.net
Nizhniy Novgorod
Today 7 activists leaded another Food Not Bombs action on the Moscow railway station. Feeding was fast, because came more people then always, about 25 persons. Cooked buckwheat with vegetables, bread and hot tea, which took a very place at such a cold day.
Photo from action in Nizhniy Novgorod: http://i044.radikal.ru/0806/62/1394d4ad3052.jpg
Our contacts: fnbnnov@rambler.ru
It is known, that actions were held in many cities of Russia, leaflets weren't spread on them, had no time to print.
1)Food Not Bombs. Cooked buckwheat with mushrooms and tea. Fed about 25 people. It is surprising, that action didn't attract militias attention. 8 activists. 2)vegetarian picnic in the context of passing in Peterburg festival "Votes for the animals" that attracted about 30 persons. Sandwiches and fake wurst, vegan pies, tomatos, lettus and cucumbers.
Write to us: icq: 197-853-229, 356-664-307
7 activists fed 22 homeless people with porridge Contacts: fnb_perm@mail.ru
In Saratov
fed about 25 people.
Photo: http://i010.radikal.ru/0806/ab/b59277098bc0.jpg
Contacts: shanti_@pisem.net
Also FNB was held in Apatiti
Initiative The Critical Mass - It's a movement ... of bicycles, in the streets
Their webpage: http://massa.org.ru/?q=node/293
Iniative Food Not Bombs (FNB) - it's a protest against militarism and misery, expressed in free feeding of hungry people with vegan food.
Webpage: http://foodnotbombs.ru
Marie Vesco, Rest In Peace