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Łańcuch Solidarności z walczącą Białorusią

Dnia 16 Października organizujemy akcję - Łańcuch Solidarności z walczacą Bialorusią.

Podobne akcje odbędą się na całym świecie, a przde wszystkim na Białorusi, skąd pochodzi ta inicjatywa. Na kilka minut Białorusini wylączą światło wieczorem 16-go i postawią zapalone znicze w oknach swoich domów - znicze nadziei i wiary w wolną i demokratyczną Białoruś. Łańcuch Solidarności jest również organizowany przez ZDB (Zwiazek na rzecz Demokracji na Białorusi).


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Związek na rzecz Demokracji na Białorusi (ZDB) (biał. cyr. Зьвяз на карысць Дэмакратыі ў Беларусі, biał. łac. Źviaz na karysć Demakratyi ŭ Biełarusi) powstał w 2004 r. w Warszawie. Prezesem ZDB jest Tomaš Bladyniec, dwójka wiceprezesów to Antoś Ciależnikaŭ i Vital Locmanaŭ. Istnieją także trzy regionalne koła ZDB: w Krakowie (kierownik Viktar Ivanoŭ), Poznaniu (kier. Vital Voranaŭ) i Wrocławiu (kier. Vital Valuk).

Związek powstał w związku z narastającą brutalizacją reżimu prezydenta Alaksandra Łukašenki na Białorusi. Celem jest integracja środowisk białoruskich w Polsce oraz ich polskich zwolenników w celu szerszego informowania świata o sytuacji na Białorusi, wspieranie niezależnych organizacji na Białorusi, działanie na rzecz przemian demokratyczno-społecznych na Białorusi oraz współdziałanie z organizacjami praw człowieka w kwestii przestrzegania tych praw w Republice Białoruś.

Inicjatywa ta ma być zrealizowana także w Poznaniu, Wrocławiu, Białymstoku i Krakowie. W Warszawie uczestnicy inicjatywy zbierają się o godzinie 18.45 pod pomnikiem Charles de Gaulle'a (skrzyrzowanie Nowego Swiata i al. Jerozolimskich). Prosimy zabrać ze sobą bialy i czerwony znicze.

http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wolnabialorus/message/35 Congress of Democratic Forces - Minsk, 1-2 October 2005 Summary

Aleksander Milinkievich narrowly won the nomination from the Congress of Democratic Forces to be the single opposition candidate for the Belarus Presidential elections scheduled for July 2006. He beat Anatoliy Lebedko in the 2nd round of voting by 399 votes of the delegates to 391 (by only 8 votes out of 811 ballots issued). The conference itself was well organised and proceeded smoothly - with the exception of 2 staged provocations outside the building by Belarusian TV. 839 delegates (people elected at regional meetings, representatives of parties and NGOs, former parliamentary candidates) were present together with around 300 guests and over 100 accredited media.

In his victory speech, Milinkievich did not promise victory, but said that this was not because he did not believe in it. He said he will "go to the end", and will "go to the ploscha (main square) with you because no one believes that there will be anything without the ploscha". In the press conference, Milinkievich said that his programme would be a careful balance as his support comes from all parties, from Communists to Liberals. On Russia, he stated that there were many close cultural and historical connections, but that Belarus was a sovereign state. Replying to preferences for EU or Russia, he said he saw Belarus as a neutral state. A very disappointed Lebedko said that he would keep his commitment to the process and noted that much work needed to be done in the country to turn the "de jure" single candidate into the "de facto" single candidate.

...A pre-recorded greeting from John McCain was shown on a large screen and greetings were also read from Janusz Onyszkiewicz (Vice-President of European Parliament) and Madeleine Albright:

["We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?" Albright replied: "I think this is a very hard choice, but the price -- we think the price is worth it." http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1084

A Danish MP and a Dutch MEP (Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert) were also present as were representatives of the US and other Embassies. Resident Ambassadors were present at the start of the congress and also arrived midday on Sunday.


The Congress was the biggest such event - apart from rallies - that anyone could remember in Belarus. Speakers welcome their "small victory" that allowed the event to go ahead in Minsk (following numerous disruptions from the authorities in the regional selection meetings). Many delegates mentioned they were inspired by the event and Lithuanian MP Zingeris mentioned that it reminded him of the time of their independence movement "Sajudis". There was big relief that the event proceeded so smoothly and the organisers welcomed the presence of foreign observers, and with over 100 accredited press present this helped ensure that there were no major provocations from the side of the authorities.

There was also wide recognition that this was only a first step. Milinkievich is a new face for many in Belarus and the opposition will need to work hard and early to increase his name recognition (currently at 30%) and raise awareness of his role as a single candidate. Further he is not a particularly dynamic and charismatic speaker (indeed his presentation speech was perhaps the weakest of the 4 candidates). Nevertheless he does have a good network of support throughout the civil society organisations in the country.

While there was an overall solid spirit of unity at the congress and the party leaders are committed to the process, there remains the question of whether all UCP and Communist activists will now come fully behind Milinkievich. The ability to build on the full opposition network will be crucial for the weeks and months ahead. This will also depend on the role Milinkievich allocates their representatives in his team (which appears to be already largely formed from his hitherto supporters, notably from BPF).

Although all the state media coverage of the event was negative the fact that the event was mentioned did increase awareness in Belarus of the hierarchical single candidate process. Towards the end of the congress a pair of shoes were given for the hierarchical single candidate. This was in recognition of the acceptance by all candidates that without access to the media, their campaign will have to be carried out door-to-door.

[w-wa] happening przeciw łukaszzence harcesz 08-05-2005 00:33 http://pl.indymedia.org/pl/2005/05/13576.shtml + http://wolnabialorus.org/actions.html