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How to add a translation
автор boud, дата 2005-12-24 03:00, журнал модерации, оригинал, история, html

1. Go to the resource (article or comment) which you wish to translate.

If several translations already exist, then make sure you choose the parent message, since the system (as of samizdat-0.5.4) requires you to provide, in principle, a translation of the original (parent) and not a translation of a translation of the original. So make sure you are at the parent resource that you wish to translate.

2. Either use the advanced interface (see settings) or make sure you have chosen the correct language setting in general (if necessary, return to the home page and click on your language to do this). Then, add your translation as a comment.

3. Go to your comment (now published). Scroll down to translation and vote (e.g. a value of 1) to tell the system that your comment is a translation. If have not registered, or if you have registered but not logged in, then you will have to wait and trust that sooner a later a registered user will make this "vote" for you.