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Repressions go on, Ihar Truhanovich is arrested!
автор minsksolidarity, дата 2010-09-25 23:34, текущая версия, textile

Today noon it became known that one more activist was arrested: Ihar Truhanovich. As his parents said Ihar was called for “talk” but he did not returned home. In telephone conversation with his parents cop on duty at temporary detention facility on Akrescina str. acknowledged that Ihar really situated there and he is detended till September, 27th, the article is 339 (hooliganism). To give more information cop refused.

Also today the fate of Mikalaj Dziadok who was arrested during the first wave on Sep., 3rd gets a bit clearer. Yestarday, Sep., 24, the next, seventh on row, 24 hours of detention without been accused. Mikalaj was moved into detention facility on Valadarskaha str., his arrest is prolonged for 10 days, on expiration of them his should be accused or freed.

Makalaj is suspected in hooliganism (art. 339 p. 2) in case of illegal action against combined belarussian-russian military maneuvers “West 2009” on Sep., 19th of 2009 near the General Staff of Armed Forces of Belarus during which a smoke pellet was thrown into the yard of the General Staff.

According to our data, during last 2 weeks more than 30 people were called in for questioning to the GUBAZ (Main division of fight against organized crime) the KGB with regard to this case. They were demanded to testify it was Mikalaj Dziadok who organized that action, invited people to the action, gave masks to the participants, was in the head of the column. Moral pressure was exerted on some people. The GUBAZ agents alleged that if they won’t give any evidence then they will become a copather of this crime, threatened with sexual violence from other detainees, inclusion to the list of travel banned and problems at their parents’ work. Last days people who were involved in informational support of the detainees — Aliaksandar Yarashevich, Alena Dubovik and Hanna Charnyshova — were arrested for interrogations as well.

Thus, we see the police has no evidence of Mikalaj’s guilty and they try to get them by whatever means.

Mikalaj’s address for solidarity letters is Belarus, Minsk, Valadarskaha str., 2, Mikalaj Dziadok.

We demand to stop pressure on the social activists and to release Mikalaj Dziadok, Aliaksandar Frantskievich and Ihar Truhanovich!

Friends and relatives of those arrested, minsksolidarity[at]riseup.net