I'll speak from myself, even if I know good what most of my friends share, that's principle.
I respect your opinion -- but evil always looks nice from long distance, and things seem more simple too.
1. No collaboration with capitalist politicians was there, even due passed elections. Communist party collaborates -- we critisize.
2. Big number of anarchists took part in street self-organizing protests (conservative politicians still try to ensure their sponsors it was almost 'their people' and 'managed process' - lie!). I personally believe that it's a good thing -- to be together with protesting people in non-authoritarian protest. It was not left protest. It was not right protest. It was a protest without final goal, and it was it's weakest side. Most of us were here -- to be with people, to talk with people, to feel and analyze what's happening together with people. No one I know who took part in protests was interested in what liberal politicians do in any way.
3. Аll countries of the world should be socialist like yours
Our country obviously is not socialist country in any way. It's country of state capitalism. With enclosed governing elite, with armed military/police forces protecting elite. And with workers that have not a chance to control anything in the country. And with the strong state propaganda that tolds that only elite can make desicions in name of the people. That it's a crime itself to order govenrnment people what they should do. That 'people should not touch the power - it hurts!'
4. state's authority from below without involving the political right and profit interests of new exploitators.
Any attack will fail without involving people instead of profi-politicians. And without contacts with the people -- any movement will stay a group of sectants. And people are not theoretical constructs -- they are living people, from meat and bones. They can make mistakes, they can try and fail, they have beliefs and fears, they have their own opinion and they don't want to be told what they should do. At first they want to be heared and to share thoughts and doings.
5. Lukashenko is better than every European technological dictature, so-called democracy!
No evil is better then another evil, as I believe. The only thing that's better than evil is good. The only thing that's better than the politicians is people. The only thing that's better than authoritarian government is self-organizing, not another authoritarian government.
6. Be proud of the equality of your society,
All equality in our society exists in spite of state pressing. Government tries us like a band of sheeps, and that's the only equality they know -- when they're governing, and all other are working-drinking-dying in silence.
7. Love your dictator subversively
Kill me softly
8. on't fight against him side by side with capitalists!
The only good government is people controlled government. All another governements should be fought -- no matter if there's hundred of capitalist political money-makers screaming the same to make money, or no.
Thank you for opinion, but your 'leninism' seemed to make you blind in some areas. :) Keep your sight clean!