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Сообщение / Opening of the First Lithuanian Infoshop / Изменения


Hello! April 5th 18.00 in Vilnius, Mindaugo st. 20-12 the first infoshop in lithuania opens its gates. it is called PAVASARIS (SPRINGTIME).

Please forward this message along! thanx!

[what's that?] infoshop is the place to share anarchist, antifascist, anti-war, feminist, ecological, animal rights, DIY counter-culture, etc. information. also it is a place to get together and to discuss things and simply the place to come have some tea and read some book. it is an attempt to create social space among activists and not only them, which is missing.

[place] after the Green Club closed and we had some fruitless searchings for a new place, we decided to do something with stuff we already have, this is to say, with our flat we rent. we decided to clean up one room and make an infoshop in it and see how it is gonna work out. but we still keep on searching better/bigger place also.

[money] we pay for flat rent and other related stuff from our little student pockets, so if you can donate some, that would be nice!

[things] we have internet, video, music, books and zines. also darts, "table soccer", checkmaths. also tea, and shower and place to sleep to all you dirty punk-rockers and not so dirty hardcore kids. and of course we have all the stuff you will give us!

[activities] for now we have womencipation working groups/vegan cafe (saturdays)/bicycle workshops/films-books+discussion/recycling working group/"bed&breakfast"service/etc.

[hours] wednesdays: 14.00-20.00 and saturdays: 16.00-20.00 (vegan cafe day). also everyday you get in touch with people who live there.

[us/you] and also something about us and you - there is no "us" and no "you". no workers/consumers. actors/spectators. yes, we have set some rules to that game, but hell, we've set this game also! but this doesn't mean you can't play that game or create your own games, untill they are not boring. infoshop could have all the smartest books in the world, all the cuttest movies in the world and all the most diy punk-rock records in the world, still it will be just another well-packed commodity, another meaningless waste of time, if we view it just like another art/etc. gallery, just another part of myth called Culture. this is platform to find out new ways to go on with the ideas of improving things around and living passionate and joyful life, this area is to communicate and create things together, so don't be shy and get along if you have stuff you consider being important to do or if you simply have nothing else to do.

[distro] also we try to set up an DIY Distro along with the whole thing, so if you consider your self anarchist-like-person or DIY-like-human and have stuff you want to share with the world, you are highly welcomed! please send us stuff to that address below!

[thanx] this goes out to anyone, who helped us in any way. with some work, or some music, or word. you're too lot of to name personally - thank you all!

[we still need] money / BOOKS / ZINES / MOVIES / MUSIC / LETTERS / LINKS / CONTACS / HELP / ADVICE / CRITICS / INSPIRATION / PASSION / IDEAS for INFOSHOP / IDEAS for LIVING / SMILES / etc. all the letters received are to be answered. thanx!

[disclaimer to those who still might need it] anyone that comes to infoshop and in one or another ways gets along with some activities or what-so-ever has her/his own head and is responsible for actions he/she takes, and, of course, we don't breed any terrorists there :) besides - you won't find there any of racist/nacist/sexist/whatever shit, cause it is highly unwelcomed there.

[life] is beautiful

so long!





(автор – Baader, поправлен язык и форматирование – Thistle)


April 5th 18.00 in Vilnius, Mindaugo st. 20-12 the first infoshop in

lithuania opens its gates. it is called PAVASARIS (SPRINGTIME).

Please forward this message along! thanx!

what’s that?

infoshop is the place to share anarchist, antifascist, anti-war, feminist, ecological, animal rights, DIY counter-culture, etc. information. also it is a place to get together and to discuss things and simply the place to come have some tea and read some book. it is an attempt to create social space among activists and not only them, which is missing.


after the Green Club closed and we had some fruitless searchings for a new place, we decided to do something with stuff we already have, this is to say, with our flat we rent. we decided to clean up one room and make an infoshop in it and see how it is gonna work out. but we still keep on searching better/bigger place also.


we pay for flat rent and other related stuff from our little student

pockets, so if you can donate some, that would be nice!


we have internet, video, music, books and zines. also darts, "table

soccer", checkmaths. also tea, and shower and place to sleep to all you dirty punk-rockers and not so dirty hardcore kids. and of course we have all the stuff you will give us!


for now we have womencipation working groups/vegan cafe

(saturdays)/bicycle workshops/films-books+discussion/recycling working group/“bed&breakfast”service/etc.


wednesdays: 14.00-20.00 and saturdays: 16.00-20.00 (vegan cafe day). also everyday you get in touch with people who live there.


and also something about us and you – there is no “us” and no “you”. no workers/consumers. actors/spectators. yes, we have set some rules to that game, but hell, we’ve set this game also! but this doesn’t mean you can’t play that game or create your own games, untill they are not boring. infoshop could have all the smartest books in the world, all the cuttest movies in the world and all the most diy punk-rock records in the world, still it will be just another well-packed commodity, another meaningless waste of time, if we view it just like another art/etc. gallery, just another part of myth called Culture. this is platform to find out new ways

to go on with the ideas of improving things around and living passionate and joyful life, this area is to communicate and create things together, so don’t be shy and get along if you have stuff you consider being important to do or if you simply have nothing else to do.


also we try to set up an DIY Distro along with the whole thing, so if you consider your self anarchist-like-person or DIY-like-human and have stuff you want to share with the world, you are highly welcomed! please send us stuff to that address below!


this goes out to anyone, who helped us in any way. with some work, or some music, or word. you’re too lot of to name personally – thank you all!

we still need

money / BOOKS / ZINES / MOVIES / MUSIC / LETTERS / LINKS / CONTACS / HELP / ADVICE / CRITICS / INSPIRATION / PASSION / IDEAS for INFOSHOP / IDEAS for LIVING / SMILES / etc. all the letters received are to be answered. thanx!

disclaimer to those who still might need it

anyone that comes to infoshop and in one or another ways gets along with some activities or what-so-ever has her/his own head and is responsible for actions he/she takes, and, of course, we don’t breed any terrorists there :) besides – you won’t find there any of

racist/nacist/sexist/whatever shit, cause it is highly unwelcomed there.


is beautiful

so long!




p.o. box 344