http://www.nukewatch.com/ - Nukewatch is a Wisconsin-based environmental and peace action group, dedicated to the abolition of nuclear power and weapons. Nukewatch brings critical attention to the locations, movements, dangers, and the politics of nuclear weapons and radioactive wastes. Staff and volunteers advocate Gandhian nonviolence in education and action, and report on nuclear issues in a quarterly newsletter, Nukewatch Quarterly.
http://www.nirs.org/ - Nuclear Information and Resource Service
http://www.ieer.org/ - Institute for Energy and Environmental Research. IEER is dedicated to increasing public involvement in and control over environmental problems through the democratization of science.
http://www.ieer.org/ensec/russmain.html - Институт исследований энергетики и окружающей среды (IEER). Деятельность IEER направлена на повышение участия общественности в решении экологических проблем через демократизацию науки. "Энергетика и безопасность" - бюллетень, посвященный вопросам ядерного нераспространения, разоружения и энергетической безопасности. Публикуется четыре раза в год Институтом исследований энергетики и окружающей среды.
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http://www10.antenna.nl/wise/ - World Information Service on Energy. WISE is an information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear energy, radioactive waste, radiation, and related issues.
http://www.sortirdunucleaire.org/ - Réseau "SORTIR DU NUCLEAIRE" - Fédération de 836 associations
http://www.castor.de/ - Castor-Nix-Da-Kampagne
http://www.anti-atom-aktuell.de/ - die gemeinsame Zeitung der Initiativen gegen Atomanlagen
http://www.greenpeace.org/international/press/reports?related_item_id=89369 - Greenpeace International. Reports & documents: End the nuclear age
http://www.euradcom.org/ - European Committee on Radiation Risk / Comité Européen sur le Risque de l’Irradiation
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