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автор s_r, дата 2005-12-27 18:48, журнал модерации, история, html, комментариев: 5, язык: ru, перевод: en, связано с: Дзяржаўны тэрор
Согласно заявлению незарегистрированного "Зубра", в Гомеле двум оппозиционным активистам (Павел Моджаро, Александр Морозов) при задержании неизвестными подброшены наркотики, в результате чего возбуждено уголовное дело по соответствующей статье 328 УК.

Сегодня же сайт "Х-97" опубликовал информацию об аресте в Витебске еще одного активиста оппозиции Александра Дорофеева, которому по неподтвержденной информации "шьют" дело о витебских взрывах.

На следующий день руководитель штаба небезызвестного Зянона Пазьняка был задержан в обменном пункте по обвинению в сбыте фальшивой долларовой купюры.
  • автор гость, дата 2005-12-29 03:48, ссылка
    Regarding the Żubr activists, it is hard to get international sympathy for activists who associate with a war criminal such as Condoleezza Rice, responsible (together with Cheney, Bush, et al.) for killing about (and probably another similar number from October 2004 to December 2005) in order to steal their oil. If they are detained on false charges, of course that is a bad thing, and they should be free, but when one group of non-state terrorists fights against state terror, it is difficult to support either side.

    If żubr activists want international support, it's time they start declaring their independence from US terrorism.

    Regarding the Vitebsk explosions, there are two obvious hypotheses:

    • Białorus authorities made the explosion in order to have an excuse to arrest anti-…

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  • автор s_r, дата 2005-12-29 11:53, ссылка

    Indymedia Belarus does not supporting neither Zubr, nor USA government. It’s stated in indymedia social contract.

    I personally dislike Zubr very much, Zianon Pazniak also. Ideologically they are neoliberals or christian conservators and it’s shit. I personally does as much as I can while working in local newspapers to show the nature and bad sides of those movements.

    BUT there’s a facts. Facts are that few members of those movements were arrested in two days after president campaign starts.

    So, I think, it’s quite important information to collect it. It doesn’t mean call for support of movements. But I believe that filtering of information on ideological basis is wrong.

    I believe that Indymedia is a resource to share information that is significant and/or important. And ignoring information about arrests on the only reason that somebody do political advertising, or that the imprisoned activists are not “ideologically clear”—is just another instance of censorship.

    People are i…

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  • автор s_r, дата 2005-12-29 12:03, ссылка

    State investigators declared a month or two months ago, that Vitebsk explosions were just vandalism. And they declared that they caught two or three “vandals” responsed for those explosions in Autumn.

    No new open information arrived till now. I can’t remember neither news about investigation, no information about official charges to “vandals”.

    For me, it seems that vandalism is quite possible hypothesis, much possible then two hypothesis you’ve mentioned.

    But who is responsible personally—it’s a question. I think it’s hardly Dorofeev, and there’s a big possibility that mentioned “vandals” are innocent too.

    I’ll keep monitoring of open information about investigation of Vitebsk explosions .