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New network for independent Belarusian journalists
Indymedia is a great avenue for radical organizing, grass-roots, locally-based reporting, editorials, and impassioned debate. What we need is a better way to filter user reports based on their location, whether regional or in your own neighborhood, and to have the ability to connect and collaborate with others with similar interests in a secure way. And we need to promote and support independent journalism in every location possible.

At the moment, it seems many Indymedia sites have shut down their open publishing wire due to lack of resources or excessive spam, and many other sites are cluttered with anonymous editorials and personal attacks. Many local IMCs can't afford their hosting fees.

A new network for journalists and nonprofits is being developed at dogit.org, not to detract in any way from the hard work of Indymedia collectives around the world to face these challenges, but to help the spread of independent journalism further in places where media access is limited, corporations dominate the airwaves, or journalists themselves are in danger.

Dogit.org is in its beta phase right now, and you're invited to check it out and help us shape how we publish and view independent news. You are free to publish your media on your own terms, as long as it is a real story and is original.

Write about what you know, the places you come from, and the stories that deserve a closer look than the mainstream media has the attention span for. Positive or negative, stories must be grounded in facts; editorials can be linked to on your user profile. You can also comment on other sources and report biases, omissions and inaccuracies.

We are not for profit. We are for exposing reality. And no one can tell the truth of their reality better than the people who live it.

Colin Platt
Founder, Watchdog International

  • автор a., дата 2011-09-25 14:53, язык: en, перевод: ru, ссылка

    Over the many years of its existence, Indymedia has gained a reputation for protecting the security and identity of its contributors, and developed egalitarian collaboration practices based on openness and consensus. Nothing in your post nor on your site indicates that you share these values and have a process in place to uphold them.

    If you have the resources to spare, why are you using it to pull users away from Indymedia, instead of offering the much needed help? Why, instead of using the established global Indymedia communication channels, are you spamming local IMCs all over the world with dozens of nearly identical posts?

    How can we trust your invitation to be sincere, when you give every indication of the opposite?

  • автор watchdogintl, дата 2011-09-25 20:33, ссылка

    Dear a,

    Your skepticism is healthy. I have been a no-budget independent documentary maker and activist for the last 11 years and I was inspired to do this because I think journalism is the key to advance humanitarian causes, local production is the way to go as informatization increases across the world, and filtering per a user's preferences is necessary when we are hyper-saturated with online content, corporate propaganda via social networks, and of course spam and scams. My resources are minimal at the moment, and I'm getting web development assistance graciously donated by Foam Garden.

    So why not devote my minimal resources to Indymedia? I think the sites should be complimentary, different tools for somewhat different functions, but both in the service of getting more exposure to independent and non-corporate journalism. I think different IMCs have further objectives and purposes developed through consensus, but I would like to hone my focus to that, as far as a website goes,…

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