Before election arested about 300-400 persons from opposite headquarters, but after it were arested about 1000 activists: 459persons at last night and all another - for a period of the entire week, when activists attempted to break through the information and food blockade of Kalinovsky (October) square. Now very heavily and the fact who remained on the freedom - relatives and friends obtain from the primary structures of no information about the arrested people (arrangement and the terms of arrest). Activists employ all accessible means for obtaining this information. It today began known that in Minsk there are no more chambers for prisoners (every chamber for 6 persons include 12 persons). Them they transported into the city Zhodino. All this time above the prisoners they jeer (but they do not thrash), although the first aid was caused for 2 prisoners. Furthermore strong mockeries from anthropoid animals are directed against 60 women. Only 22 persons were tempered - they minor.
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