CUBA, October 31, 2006.- The 4th Civil Society Forum against the Blockade and Annexation condemned the worsening of the US blockade on Cuba and Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque said the island will have a new victory at the UN. The event was organized by the UN Cuban Association and attended by representatives from 138 non-governmental organizations that, in their final declarations, termed President George W. Bush s government genocidal. About 10 panels deliberated and presented papers on several aspects of this issue, and there were speeches on the economic, trade and financial siege against Cuba. Presbyterian Pablo Oden Marichal talked of the several attempts by the US Interest Office in Havana to manipulate religious organizations. "Yoruba" Cultural Association president Antonio Castaneda accused Washington of abusing visa authorization to travel to Cuba. Writer Enrique Ubieta criticized US rejection of Cuban humanitarian aid in other countries. The panel and Tubal Paez, president of the Union of Journalists of Cuba, denounced illegal activities of those media used to violate the local radio-electronic space with subversive propaganda. Others analyzed suffering and damage caused to Cuban women, while doctor Olga Miranda talked on the Bush Plan s intention of returning nationalized properties to transnational companies to satisfy the Florida-based counter-revolution. Historian and writer Fabian Escalante, Union of Writers and Artists representative Jesus Arboleya and other panelists discussed the dangerous Bush Plan s secret annex and its real significance. According to information and declassified documents, the CIA planned from 1958 to 2000 about 634 projects to assassinate Cuban President Fidel Castro. Participants commented on how today it is evident they want to use the same strategy against Venezuelan statesman Hugo Chavez and Bolivia s Evo Morales. (Cubaminrex-PL).
- автор гость, дата 2006-11-01 17:40, журнал модерации, ссылка
- автор гость, дата 2006-11-01 17:42, журнал модерации, ссылка
Havana, Nov 1 (Prensa Latina) While the United States radicalizes its blockade on Cuba, opposition and resistance to this measure grow on the island and world criticism mounts. Although the economic, trade and financial siege is a failed policy, Washington insists on making it persist beyond 47 years with new laws like the recent "Bush Plan." Initiated a few months after the revolutionary victory on January 1, 1959, the siege has cost over $86 billion to Cuba, but it has not fulfilled its aim of reverting the country's social process. Although the Caribbean nation has carried out its social-economic development in a rocky field, it has been successful in health, education and sports, and today is world renowned in these areas. But it is undeniable that the blockade is generating shortages and important needs in the daily life, and recently Cubans are holding meetings of reflection to examine the real impact of the US siege. A recent event organized by the UN Cuban Association, a…
- автор гость, дата 2006-11-01 17:51, журнал модерации, ссылка
Cubavisión, Cubavisión the International, the Educative Channel, Rebellious Radio and Radio Habana Cuba, will transmit today, from 6 and 30 of afternoon, from the Seat of the Revolution of the city of Pine of the River, the National Act Against Bloqueo and the Annexation. This act, where five thousand pinareños, in representation of their compatriots of all the country, will express his repudio to the North American political criminal against Cuba and to the call Bush Plan, closes the reflection days that, with more than thousand conferences on both subjects, have promoted the debate between the Cuban population. The Educative Channel will relay east act at the end of its programming and Radio Progress will do it to the one of the dawn.