The week started with two funerals.
On Monday people in Schabinka said goodbye to Gennady Shutov, who was shot by the cops and who died later in the hospital. A public procession was organized where a lot of people from the town participated.
And on Tuesday another protestor, Nikita Krivtsov, who was found hanged in Partisanski district of Minsk on the 22 August was buried. He already disappeared on August 12 during the protest. The officials insist on suicide, which obviously was not the case. Another case were the cops arranged a “suicide” like the director of the military museum wo was found in the river last week. At the public procession also a lot of people took part.

Protest continue and repressions
People were protesting and striking during the whole week all around the country, even so the protests are not so big anymore and the strikes are not as strong as it could be. But cops are more present on the streets and detain people randomly. People who are getting arrested are now beeing charged with 10 to 15 days in prison. But also some of the detainded workers got released because of the pressure of the people.
Solidarity is organized internationaly, but the belarusian border guards didn´t allow a van with nearly twenty tons of food as humanitarian aid to striking factory workers to enter the country.
On Saturday the PARAD OF WOMEN’S PEACEKEEPING POWERS took place to remind men in law enforcement agencies that the blood of innocents will not be washed away by any housewife. Several thousand women went to the streets. Even so the police tried to prevent them but the people were not afraid and pushed through the police several times.
On Sunday again a big protest took place all around the country. More then fifthy thousand people gahtered today in Minsk and several tenthousands in the regional cities to protest against the regime. This protest day was special because it was Lukashenkos birthday and people really wanted to bring their message to the street.

But repressions against people continue, yesterday 150 people were detained and today over 180, at least what is known till now.